Tuesday, October 31, 2006

John Kerry Fiasco

To John Kerry

KERRY VIDEO HERE. I know,I know, everyone and their mother is talking about this, but I can't not post anything about it. I cannot believe the set this guy must have! This is the same guy ALOT OF PEOPLE voted for! I honestly believe this moron did not mean it the way it "came out", but to still keep on with his malicious remarks with no apology? I can understand why people dis-approve the war in Iraq. Has it gone perfect?- No - Of course not- Which war has ever been perfect? Has this been a total failure? -ASOLUTELY NOT- Look at this great production from the Glenn Beck Team for proof of that. I look at it this way: Put yourself in Bush's shoes and if it was you on that horrible day of 9/11 and the whole world was looking at you to some how avenge what had happened-What would you do? If you address the nation and say "We will find and take care of the culprits" without going into any kind of war-like actions. Then without a doubt you would get criticism for basically doing nothing about what had happened that day. I believe that he and previous presidential camps knew of the danger that was Saddam Hussein and Bush used this as a perfect time to invade. Was this exactly the right move? No-probably not- We are facing a HUGE radical islam following that is not going away for generations to come. Some people think that by going into Iraq got us closer to Iran-which has shown to be a large-if not most of-the culprit for alot of terrorism lately. -END RANT- Maybe someone will actually comment for once?


Mark said...

1. Kerry's joke was deliberately taken out of context. Deliberately misunderstood. If the president (and his political handlers) hadn't deliberately made it a big issue in the media no one would ever have heard of it. The idea was to reach into the well of anti-Kerry emotions of naive people like you in advance of an election. And it worked.

2. You seem to be forgetting that before we invaded Iraq, which had no connection to 9/11, we invaded AFGHANISTAN, routing the Taliban who had harbored Osama bin Laden. So there was a military response.

3. A very conservative estimate of the number of people killed in Iraq since we invaded is 75,000. (some would say several times that number). That is the equivalent, in population terms, of 750,000 Americans having died violently in the past three years. How would that feel? Like success? And our main accomplishment upon the way has been to empower our enemy Iran.

When I see that 37% of Americans still think that Bush is doing a good job I ask myself who could be ill-informed enough to believe it? Now I now.

There-- you finally got a comment!

Indiewall/Preeminent Products said...

Hello Mark,
Thank you for your comment. I respect your views on the war completely. The way that you worded it though, you would think that in my post-I had said that the war and Bush has been perfect.I even admitted that Kerry's joke was taken wrong! Great blog btw-I did not see a comment button anywhere-or I would have told you there.

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