Lily Tomlin and David Russell Blowup -Huckabees
Wow, yeah the movie is three years old now, but look at this behind the scenes video of Lilly Tomlin getting into a HUGE argument with the director David Russell. This guy loses it! Video Here.
Current Events,Movies, Music, Art, Rants, and Raves.
Wow, yeah the movie is three years old now, but look at this behind the scenes video of Lilly Tomlin getting into a HUGE argument with the director David Russell. This guy loses it! Video Here.
Posted by
Indiewall/Preeminent Products
5:55 PM
Labels: Flix
Ok, I have to post about this. This Sanjaya kid is ABSOLUTE CRAP! How is he still on American Idol?! Check out "Starvation for Sanjaya". This girl claims she is on a hunger strike until Sanjaya gets kicked of Idol. Like it says on the myspace page, the kid seems like a super nice guy and all, but HE SUCKS and cannot sing much better than me.
Last night while he was singing, they kept moving the camera over to this girl. WOW. He's so bad, little girls cry.
Posted by
Indiewall/Preeminent Products
5:43 PM
Labels: News
First we have the new,touched up and MPAA approved poster for HOSTEL 2. The original features a topless girl holding a severed head, obviously not approved.
Click here to see the un-edited HOSTEL 2 movie poster.--------------------------------------------------
Now we have the poster from the new movie, CAPTIVITY, starring Elisha Cuthbert?!Apparently the original poster was too graphic and are being taken down. "In the wake of a public outcry against Los Angeles billboards and New York taxicab tops advertising the upcoming movie "Captivity" with images of the abduction, torture and death of a young woman, After Dark Films said it will take down the offending ads by 2 p.m. today."--"Lionsgate said Monday that it had no involvement with the ads, which were produced by Art Machine Digital, and that all the marketing for the movie had been handled solely by After Dark."--"Read more of the story at Hollywood Reporter.
Also thanks to IGN,Slashfilm, and Joblo for the info.
Posted by
Indiewall/Preeminent Products
2:49 PM
Haha, check out this video of a Bristol, Philadelphia kid who hopes to be -um- discovered I guess? He screams metalcore songs everyday in front of his house.
Funny Stuff.
Watch the vid here.
Posted by
Indiewall/Preeminent Products
5:30 PM
If interested in hearing EL-P's new album "I'll sleep when you're dead", head over to to hear the leak. Album officially drops tomorrow the 20th. How about some comments on it. yay or nay?
Posted by
Indiewall/Preeminent Products
5:23 PM
Labels: Music
Here are the three finalists for the Grindhouse Trailer Contest at this years SXSW Fest. The Contest was hosted and decided on by Robert Rodriguez. I posted the video for HOBO With a Shotgun back in February. Great Stuff. Awesome Work Guys! Do yourself a favor and watch these!! Keep in mind-these aren't for kiddies!
The Dead Won't Die:
Hobo With a Shotgun:
Maiden of Death:
Robert Rodriguez went with "Hobo With a Shotgun" as the winner! Congrats and again, good work guys!
Thanks to Aintitcoolnews for the update!
Posted by
Indiewall/Preeminent Products
3:38 PM
Seen it yet? I still haven't! Waiting to get a free night to see it at an IMAX screen. Opening Weekend Results for 300:$70,885,301--Highest grossing film ever released in the month of March, and the third highest in the rated R category(behind Matrix Reloaded and The Passion of the Christ).
"The battle of Thermopylae was real, but how real is 300? Ephraim Lytle, assistant professor of hellenistic history at the University of Toronto, has seen the movie and offers his view: And had Leonidas undergone the agoge, he would have come of age not by slaying a wolf, but by murdering unarmed helots in a rite known as the Crypteia."--
"300's Persians are ahistorical monsters and freaks. Xerxes is eight feet tall, clad chiefly in body piercings and garishly made up, but not disfigured. No need – it is strongly implied Xerxes is homosexual which, in the moral universe of 300, qualifies him for special freakhood. This is ironic given that pederasty was an obligatory part of a Spartan's education. This was a frequent target of Athenian comedy, wherein the verb "to Spartanize" meant "to bugger." In 300, Greek pederasty is, naturally, Athenian."--
"This moral universe would have appeared as bizarre to ancient Greeks as it does to modern historians. Most Greeks would have traded their homes in Athens for hovels in Sparta about as willingly as I would trade my apartment in Toronto for a condo in Pyongyang."-From
Posted by
Indiewall/Preeminent Products
3:15 PM
Labels: Flix
Indie artists may have a better chance to be heard over the airwaves. REUTERS reports:Federal Communications Commission sources said Clear Channel Communications Inc., CBS Radio, Entercom Communications Corp. and Citadel Broadcasting Corp. have agreed to a consent decree that includes a $12.5 million payment to settle payola allegations raised by the agency.
The free airtime would be granted to companies not owned or controlled by Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Warner Music Group, Universal Music Group and EMI Group; do not have a market share larger than 5%; and are represented as independent through sales tracking firm Nielsen SoundScan.
Posted by
Indiewall/Preeminent Products
6:16 PM
For those that are not yet sick of either Timbaland or Fall Out Boy: Follow THIS LINK to hear a new song(feat. FOB) off of Timbaland's new album.
Posted by
Indiewall/Preeminent Products
6:03 PM
Labels: Music